my Marche

Life is a flash (2nd episode)

Art and Culture
My intention was to stay and work in Milan, after the summer break, because the city resumes its life cycle and becomes electric, full of desire to do. I like this air full of ever-living possibilities, of ideas that come to fruition, like you can't breathe anywhere else in Italy. He always made me feel like I was in the right place at the right time, shortening the time and costs of the projects to be carried out; the next step was Basel and a meeting with a client, immediately after Hamburg. I was now focused on the objectives to be achieved and I felt energized, fully concentrated on my things to do and say, with zero possibility of failure.
When, suddenly, the phone call from Tonina from the Marche burst straight into my path: – Doctor, it's a success, a great success. It's a Castrecciò lake.-
Sometimes I struggled to understand it and then I had to reset everything and start over, return to those lands, return to breathe in the hills even if only through words, and everything became clearer.
- From the bathroom, doctor, the shower drain, there's all that stinky water that has reached the kitchen, luckily I didn't get there otherwise I would have had to throw away all the carpets.-
- Has something been ruined? - I didn't know whether to laugh or get angry.
– No, doctor, it's not already happening in the salon... but tomorrow morning if all the broth would be tasteless.-
– Calm down Tonina – I said in my dry Milanese tone – I'll call Luigi now, you stay there.-
- Gigi? But I already called him doctor, what am I wasting my time? She told me it's coming soon. Here it is, it's arrived. – the sound of a car scraping the gravel could be heard. – pass it to me please – I asked Tonina – Luigi what happened? -
– I don't know Giorgio, I've arrived now, I see a lot of water in the corridor, now I'll go and see. Then I'll call you.-
- Doctor, Gianni is also coming to give me a hand and get the water up otherwise I'll put jo colca stroliga tonight... doctor... can't anyone who's there have ghosts in this house, right? Sometimes it seems very strange to me...-
– But what ghosts Antonia – I finally blurted out – calm down please....-
I don't know why but I decide to go and see, even if it wasn't my plan. Traveling four hours to get to the Marche and canceling all my commitments was crazy, but I felt a strange restlessness rising in me, new to my character in these circumstances. After all, Luigi and Tonina could have easily taken care of everything without needing my help. presence. It was nothing tragic, nothing at all. Yet I was already in the car, without even stopping by the house to pick up two things. Maybe I feared a change of heart on my part and so, before my rational side took over again and everything returned to normal, I was already at the A1 toll booth.

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